Christmas Midnight 2023

“When all was still, and it was midnight, Your almighty Word, O Lord, descended from the royal throne.” That’s the antiphon for Christmas Midnight. By itself, it’s serene, much like this service. There’s something joyously peaceful about assembling here when all through the town not many creatures are stirring, and celebrating the first liturgy of Christmas while everyone else is nestled all snug in their beds.

“When all was still, and it was midnight, Your almighty Word, O Lord, descended from the royal throne.” The context, however, is not so serene. It comes from the Wisdom of Solomon, and it describes the beginning of the tenth plague, bringing death to all the firstborn in the land of Egypt….

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The Dogmas of Emperors

World power makes audacious claims. The power to tax and make war.

“A decree went out from Caesar Augustus that all the world should be registered,” which is to say, taxed. The word for decree here is δόγμα – a dogma went out from the Emperor who styled himself Augustus, “the exalted one.” These are the audacious claims of world power. The exalted ones issue dogmas, and the little ones obey.

The dogmas of today have us racing, chasing tinsel as worthless as FTX crypto. The dogmas of world power demand we find satisfaction in a moment of purchase, pleasure in a hit of Soma or a night at the Feelies. The dogmas of world power declare blue is pink and always has been….

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Dogmas Worldly and Divine

The cultural revolution upheaving the Western world is intensely dogmatic. Each day a new dogma is decreed. Bake the cake, wear the mask, close your church, stay at home, check your privilege, shout your abortion, don't use those pronouns, gender is a social construct, the baby will be made comfortable as we abandon it to death. In the New Inquisition, expect no mercy. Fierce and unforgiving are the world’s dogmas.

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