Holy Thursday 2023

Jesus, the enfleshed God, stoops down into our filth. The emperor becomes a servant. The earth is a graveyard filled with innumerable rotted corpses. Their dust clings to the soles of our feet. The ancient sin corrupts our hearts. But Jesus, the enfleshed God, cleans us and feeds us, as a father cares for his children. This is love. Not mere sentiment, but bold action. Action that costs….

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Our Lord's Gifts Are Not Garbage

While still a seminary student, I was assisting in the distribution of Holy Communion when I heard a little girl say something jarring. "Daddy, can I throw that in the trash?" The church used disposable plastic cups at Communion, and there was a basket near the altar rail to deposit the used cups. It was a natural question for this little girl to ask. Children like to participate in what the adults are doing, and the ritual action of the Sacrament leads to curiosity….

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New Jersey District Convention Sermon

“Repent!” That’s the first word John the Baptist preaches. It is also the first word when our Lord Jesus begins to preach. So it is to be with our own preaching.

But before we can preach, we must hear that word spoken to us. Repent!

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