Eleventh Sunday after Trinity 2022

There are two men in today’s parable. Both believe in God. One is saved; the other is damned. Why? Because one is a better person? Not so! In today’s parable, the condemned man is honest and fair; he is faithful to his wife; he tithes (i.e., he gives 10%) to the church; he prays to the one true God. Yet despite all his good works, and his belief in God, Jesus says that this man was not justified.

Justification is the central doctrine of Christianity. Justification is the article by which the Church stands or falls. Justification was the number one issue in the Reformation. More than indulgences, or the papacy, or monks howling masses for money, justification was the central issue. Take away the Bible’s teaching of justification, and you end up with an entirely different religion….

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